About THE!


A Euregional project for the Healthcare of the future

The THE! project aims to realise a Euregional, multidisciplinary optional study unit for students of the participating (high)schools. Cross-curricular and cross-border skills are taught with a focus on technology in healthcare and on a better alignment between education and job market.


Setting up a cross-border optional study unit within the current secondary school and university college study programmes.
Focus on: Multidisciplinarity, technology in healthcare education, Euregional mobility, preparing pupils for the transition from secondary education to higher education and preparing youngsters for the Euregional job market.

Who can join?

SME’s and healthcare organisations that are in need of or want to develop a technological innovation and implement it.
Students, researchers, pupils and their tutors.

For whom? 

End users of the products that are developed in close cooperation between them and creators/makers.
Care takers that want to use technological innovations and implement them in their organisation.


This approach will result in added value for research-based education. It will improve the quality of the study programmes involved and will align them with the workplace. Teachers/lecturers will further professionalize within a Euregional context.
The innovation skills of the graduating student and the knowhow within the Euregion will increase and will have a positive effect on the competitive position of the region.

Added Value of cross-border cooperation

Healthcare related challenges are not limited to one single region. Therefore, future innovators will need to be informed of the different regional healthcare sector regulations. In involving students at an early stage with these issues, they will be able to grasp Healthcare problems over a larger area and implement innovation faster within the Euregion.

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